Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick while Breastfeeding
Nutrients from the food that you eat passes to your breast milk. Its good idea to take healthy diet while breastfeeding. You may need to consume more calories per day to support healthy body system. Some time it gets necessary take medicine while you are breastfeeding and as other food items passes into breast milk, medicine passes as well hence it becomes obvious to understand its effects while breastfeeding. We have analyzed many medications and in this sheet we will present some fact and known information associated with Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick while breast-feeding.

What is Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick used for?

For cauterization of skin or mucous membrane and for removing warts and granulated tissue. DIRECTIONS: The healthcare professional moistens the applicator tip with distilled water and applies the tip to the affected area. The strength of the action is controlled by the dilution with distilled water. One StyptStix applicator is generally sufficient for each application. CONTRAINDICATIONS: Silver salts stain tissue black due to deposition of reduced silver. The stain gradually disappears within a period of two weeks. WARNINGS: KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. The active ingredients are poisonous and may be fatal when ingested in sufficient doses. The symptoms include toxic gastroenteritis, which may lead to coma, convulsion, paralysis and profound alteration of respiration. If poisoning occurs, consult a physician. In case of eye contact, hold eyes open and immediately flush thoroughly with water for at least 15 minutes and consult a physician. PRECAUTION: Prolonged ingestion or absorption of silver compounds (organic or inorganic) whether originating industrially or therapeutically leads to disposition of silver in connective tissues, producing a slate-blue discoloration of the skin known asargyria. This discoloration may also appear on mucous membranes such as the margins of gums. The sclera of the eye is also stained. The nature of the pigment is not definitely known, it may be metallic silver or oxide. This discoloration exists throughout life but does not cause any systematic symptoms. While small patches may be removed, this method is so tedious and painful as to be impractical for large areas. CAUTION: FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS DISPENSING WITHOUT PRESCRIPTION. ACTION: Silver nitrate has been commonly used as a caustic antiseptic and an astringent. Potassium nitrate has been used as a topical antiseptic on mucous membranes. The degree of action depends upon the concentration employed and the period of time during which the compound is allowed to act. Silver nitrate is precipitated by chloride ions, so washing with a solution of sodium chloride (table salt) will quickly stop the action of silver ions. STORAGE: Store in closed package at room temperature in a dry place and protected from light. Silver nitrate will turn black upon exposure to light, however this does not affect the product’s potency or utility.

I am currently breastfeeding and I want to know if using Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick is safe for my kid? Does it have any effect on milk production?

Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick low risk for breastfeeding
Silver nitrate and Potassium nitrate are the two main ingredients of Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick. Based on our individual analysis of Silver nitrate and Potassium nitrate we can safely say that Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick has low risk while breastfeeding. Below we have summarized the usage of Silver nitrate and Potassium nitrate while breastfeeding, we recommend you to go through it for better understanding of your usage.

Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick Breastfeeding Analsys

Silver nitrate while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 7761-88-8

Avoid using it on the breast or cleanse thoroughly before nursing.

Potassium nitrate while Breastfeeding

Low Risk

CAS Number: 14797-55-8

The amount of nitrates in breast milk is not related to level of contamination in drinking water (ingest <100 mg/day of nitrate do not produce milk with elevated nitrate levels). By this reason, breastfed babies from regions with nitrate contaminated water do not have increased risk of Metahemoglobinemia like bottle-fed babies do. The amount of nitrate compounds contained in vasodilator medication is so small that no problems have been reported while breastfeeding.

I am nursing mother and I have already used Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick, what should I do?

Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick is in the category of low risk, if you have already used it then its not a big deal if health and behavior of baby is good. However your health care provider shall be aware of the fact that you have used Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick so you should inform him based on your convenience.

My health care provider has asked me to use Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick, what to do?

Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick comes in category of low risk and if your doctor is aware that you are breastfeeding it should be ok to use without much concerns.

If I am using Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick, will my baby need extra monitoring?

Not much monitoring required while using Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Styptstix | Silver Nitrate Applicator Stick in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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