Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray Breastfeeding
Nutrients from the food that you eat passes to your breast milk. Its good idea to take healthy diet while breastfeeding. You may need to consume more calories per day to support healthy body system. Some time it gets necessary take medicine while you are breastfeeding and as other food items passes into breast milk, medicine passes as well hence it becomes obvious to understand its effects while breastfeeding. We have analyzed many medications and in this sheet we will present some fact and known information associated with Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray while breast-feeding.

What is Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray used for?

•helps in the prevention of premature ejaculation •helps in temporarily prolonging the time until ejaculation

Brief: Male genital desensitizer

Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray while breastfeeding safe or not? Can there be any side effects for infant while using it during breastfeeding?

Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray safe for breastfeeding
Lidocaine is the only one ingredient used in manufacturing of Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray, Which makes it easier to analyze its effect in breastfeeding. As per our analysis of Lidocaine it is safe to use Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray while lactating. We suggest you to check further details below about Lidocaine usage in breastfeeding.

Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray Breastfeeding Analsys

Lidocaine while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 137-58-6

Compatible with breastfeeding no matter the multiple ways it can be used: anesthetic, anti-arrhythmic, or anti-epileptic drug. Excreted into breast milk in non-significant amount with no side effects on breastfed infants from treated mothers. As a topical anesthetic (dermatologic, dental-stomatologic, ophtalmotologic and otologic preparations) it has an almost nil systemic absorption. Avoid using it on the nipple, but if necessary do it after the breast feed, wipe it out and rinse with water before the next feed, An euptectic mixture with added Prilocaine (EMLA) is used for dermatologic anesthesia. There is an increased risk of Methemoglobinemia when applied on large surfaces or taken by mouth. Intrapartum anesthesia may delay the onset of phase II of Lactogenesis or milk coming-in. The American Academy of Pediatrics rates it usually compatible with Breastfeeding.

Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray Breastfeeding Analsys - 2

Lidocaine while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 137-58-6

Lidocaine concentrations in milk during continuous IV infusion, epidural administration and in high doses as a local anesthetic are low and the lidocaine is poorly absorbed by the infant. Lidocaine is not expected to cause any adverse effects in breastfed infants. No special precautions are required.[1][2][3] Lidocaine labor and delivery with other anesthetics and analgesics has been reported by some to interfere with breastfeeding. However, this assessment is controversial and complex because of the many different combinations of drugs, dosages and patient populations studied as well as the variety of techniques used and deficient design of many of the studies. Overall it appears that with good breastfeeding support epidural lidocaine with or without fentanyl or one of its derivatives has little or no adverse effect on breastfeeding success.[4][5][6][7][8] Labor pain medication may delay the onset of lactation.

I am nursing mother and I have already used Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray, what should I do?

As usage of Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray is mostly safe while breastfeeding hence there should not be any concern. In case of any change in behavior or health of your baby you should inform your health care provider about usage of Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray else no further action is required.

I am nursing mother and my doctor has suggested me to use Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray, is it safe?

Usage of Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray is safe for nursing mothers and baby, No worries.

If I am using Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray, will my baby need extra monitoring?


Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Basic Care Endure | Lidocaine Spray in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week