Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 while Breastfeeding
For most of the drugs advantages of taking medications overweighs the potential risks however some drugs could be really dangerous for breastfed baby hence every medication shall be considered separately. In this page we will discuss about purpose of Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 and its risk associated with lactation. We will also discuss the usage of Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 and some common side effects associated with Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30.

What is Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 ?

helps prevent sunburn if used as directed with other sun protection measures (see Directions ), decreases the risk of skin cancer and early skin aging caused by the sun

Brief: Sunscreen

Can I use Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 while breastfeeding?

Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 dangerous while breastfeeding
Our analysis of Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Octocrylene, Oxybenzone which are active ingredients in Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 indicates that Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 is dangerous to use in breastfeeding. We strongly recommend you to go through detailed analysis of Avobenzone, Homosalate, Octisalate, Octocrylene, Oxybenzone as below and do not use Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 during breastfeeding.

Avobenzone and Breastfeeding


Not much study has been done on effects of topical usage of Avobenzone during breast feeding however it is known to penetrate the skin in very limited quantity. Its not very likely to have adverse effects in breastfed infants.

Note: Study and data for tropical use only, Breakdown product causes relatively high rates of skin allergy hence stabilization is required.

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Avobenzone passing orally in Infants.

Homosalate and Breastfeeding


Homosalate has been found in mothers milk, its skin penetration rate is less than 1% in human and laboratory studies. Some studies suggest that Homosalate disrupts estrogen, androgen and progesterone levels. As not much study has been done on effects of Homosalate during breast feeding its recommended to use safe alternatives.

Note: Study and data for tropical use only

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Homosalate passing orally in Infants.

Octisalate and Breastfeeding

Low Risk

Octyl salicylate is an oil soluble chemical sunscreen agent that absorbs UVB radiation. It does not protect against UVA. Octyl salicylate is used to augment the UVB protection in a sunscreen. Salicylates are weak UVB absorbers and they are generally used in combination with other UV filters

Octisalate rarely causes allergies in tropical usage. Not much study has been done on effects of topical usage of Octisalate during breast feeding however it is known to penetrate the skin hence it�s better to use other alternatives.

FDA study found blood levels 10 times above cutoff for systemic exposure, skin penetration in lab studies has been observed

Note: Study and data for tropical use only

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Octisalate passing orally in Infants.

Octocrylene and Breastfeeding


Based on the current available safety data, octocrylene used as a UV filter in cosmetic products at a concentration of 10% can be considered as safe. There was no evidence of any endocrine disruption potential from experimental studies which demonstrated no adverse effects on reproductive (e.g. oestrus cycle, epididymal and testicular sperm parameters) and developmental parameters. Effects on thyroid reported in repeated toxicity studies conducted in rats at very high doses are species?specific and not relevant considering the doses at which octocrylene is used in human.

Four studies on the transdermal absorption of octocrylene are available in the scientific literature, and an additional study is available in ECHA summaries of safety data. Dermal absorption studies of octocrylene showed that most octocrylene concentrations are found in the stratum corneum and that very few quantities are found in the epidermis (0.4%) and in the receptor fluid (<0.05%). In vivo, a very recent study in human volunteers showed systemic exposure to octocrylene with maximal concentrations ranging from 2.9 to 7.8 ng/mL under indoor maximal use conditions. Octocrylene has been found at very low amounts in human milk, and some metabolites of octocrylene were primarily detected in urine of volunteers using sunscreen products.

No systemic effects were reported after dermal exposure to octocrylene in rabbits at very high dose (534 mg/kg bw/day) compared with those used in cosmetic products. After oral exposure, effects on liver and thyroid were reported in a study conducted in rats at high doses (340 and 1085 mg/kg bw/day in males). These effects were investigated in an additional mechanistic study which showed that effects on thyroid were indirect and due to hepatic enzyme induction potential of octocrylene in rats at very high oral doses.

Based on available animal data, octocrylene does not induce developmental or teratogenic effects. In an extended one?generation reproductive toxicity study, only rats treated with the highest dose of octocrylene via oral route showed a decrease in the number of implantation sites and consequently a low number of pups. This very high dose of 550 mg/kg bw/day cannot be considered to be relevant to the dermal use of octocrylene as a cosmetic ingredient. Moreover, no other effects on male and female fertility and reproductive parameters such as oestrus cycle, epididymal and testicular sperm parameters were observed in all groups tested. Regarding pups, no effects on sexual and neurodevelopmental parameters were observed.

Note: Study and data for tropical use only

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Octocrylene passing orally in Infants. In some rare cases it can cause skin allergy.

Oxybenzone and Breastfeeding


Oxybenzone has been found in mother�s milk. And has relatively high 1% to 9% skin penetration in lab studies. Oxybenzone has relatively high rates of skin allergy, it has weak estrogen like effects, and its observed as moderate anti-androgen. Oxybenzone is associated with altered birth weight in human studies. It is not recommended to use Oxybenzone during breast feeding.

Note: Study and data for tropical use only.

Warning: Tropical usage in breast area shall be avoided to prevent the Oxybenzone passing orally in Infants.

What should I do if I am breastfeeding mother and I am already exposed to Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30?

You should immediately inform your health care provider about Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 usage and your breastfeeding interval after usage of . If you feel baby is having abnormal behavior or any other health issue please call 911 immediately or contact nearest medical emergency center.

My doctor has prescribed me Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30, what should I do?

Please double check with your doctor if he is aware of your breastfeeding stratus, Ask your doctor if there is any safe alternative of Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30. Check with your doctor if you shall temporally stop breastfeeding. You may go for second opinion as well. Still after all of this if your doctor still recommends Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 then go for it as they have access on more detailed medical and scientific information and they understand your individual medical situation much better.

If I am using Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30, will my baby need extra monitoring?

Extreme level of monitoring required as Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 could be dangerous for kid.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Daily Moisturizer With Sunscreen Broad Spectrum Spf30 in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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