Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment while Breastfeeding

Do you know that important immune protective proteins are present in breast milk? Breast milk also contains required vitamins, minerals, saturated and un saturated fats. These things are extremely important for development of healthy brain. If you are taking any medicine for short term or for the chronic reason then that passes in breast milk as well, that is why you should always check the drug with your health care provider. Here at DrLact we try to analyze drugs based on available researches and in this sheet we will present our analysis for Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment.

What is Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment used for?

Epsal Ointment, a Specially Suspended Epsom Salts Drawing Ointment is Recommended for External Application to draw foreign substances from below the surface of the skin, as for example, a sliver of wood or a stinger from a bee bite.

Is using Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment unsafe in breastfeeding? Can there be bad consequences for baby if I use it while breastfeeding?

Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment safe for breastfeeding
Magnesium sulfate, unspecified form is the only one ingredient used in manufacturing of Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment, Which makes it easier to analyze its effect in breastfeeding. As per our analysis of Magnesium sulfate, unspecified form it is safe to use Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment while lactating. We suggest you to check further details below about Magnesium sulfate, unspecified form usage in breastfeeding.

Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment Breastfeeding Analsys

Magnesium sulfate, unspecified form while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 7487-88-9

El magnesio es un componente natural de la leche.Se utiliza en el tratamiento y profilaxis de la eclampsia y migraña (Pringsheim 2012), en la hipomagnesemia, en ciertas arritmias y como laxante osmótico. Su concentración en la leche es muy estable y depende poco de la alimentación y otros factores, incluida la administración de sulfato de magnesio a la madre: los niveles de magnesio en leche de madres tratadas con sulfato de magnesio intravenoso fueron de 6,4 mg/L frente a 4,8 mg/L en las no tratadas (Cruikshank 1982, Dorea 2000). Su baja biodisponibilidad oral dificulta el paso a plasma del lactante a partir de la leche materna ingerida (Morris 1987) y se considera seguro su uso durante la lactancia (Idama 1998). Se ha observado retraso en al lactogénesis II (subida de la leche) en mujeres tratadas con sulfato de magnesio antes o durante el parto para tratar o prevenir la eclampsia (Haldeman 1993) sí como hipotonía en los recién nacidos, lo que podría interferir en la estimulación mamaria adecuada (Riaz 1998) pero esto puede ser contrarrestado por una decisión materna firme y un apoyo eficaz a la madre (Cordero 2012). Academia Americana de Pediatría: medicación usualmente compatible con la lactancia.Listado de medicamentos esenciales OMS 2002: compatible con la lactancia.

Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment Breastfeeding Analsys - 2

Magnesium sulfate, unspecified form while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 7487-88-9

Intravenous magnesium increases milk magnesium concentrations only slightly and oral absorption of magnesium by the infant is poor, so maternal magnesium therapy is not expected to affect the breastfed infant's serum magnesium. Although intravenous magnesium sulfate given prior to delivery might affect the infant's ability to breastfeed, intention to breastfeed may be a more important determinant of breastfeeding initiation.[1] Postpartum use of intravenous magnesium sulfate for longer than 6 hours appears to delay the onset of lactation.[2][3]

I already used Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment and meanwhile I breastfed my baby should I be concerned?

Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment is safe in breastfeeding and should not create any health problem for your baby but in case you feel any health issue associated with Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment you should contact your doctor or health care provider. Be it pregnancy or lactation you shall keep your doctor informed.

My health care provider has asked me to use Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment, what to do?

Usage of Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment is safe for nursing mothers and baby, No worries.

If I am using Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment, will my baby need extra monitoring?


Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Epsal | Magnesium Sulfate, Unspecified Form Ointment in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

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