Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine Breastfeeding
Most health expert recommend six month of exclusive breastfeeding but statics suggest that numbers are not good, almost 95% mothers start breastfeeding but this number drops to 40% in first three month and further it drops to 15% till fifth month. Sometime its due to need of medication usage. Because of these statics its important to provide good information on safety of drugs in breastfeeding so that it can be improved when possible. In this FAQ sheet we will discuss about exposure to Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine while breastfeeding. We will also discuss about common side effects and warnings associated with Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine.

What is Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine used for?

: Acute otitis media: • Rapid pain relief and reduction of inflammation in the congestive and serous stages of otitis media. • Adjuvant therapy during systemic antibiotic administration. Removal of earwax: • Facilitates the removal of excessive or impacted earwax.

Is using Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine unsafe in breastfeeding? Can there be bad consequences for baby if I use it while breastfeeding?

Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine Contains 3 active ingredients that are Acetic acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine. We do have breastfeeding analysis and safety rating of some of the active ingredients but unfortunately we do not have any information of some of active ingredients used. Below we have provided whatever information we do have. But please do not take any decision based on below provided information and contact your health care provider as this information is incomplete.

Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine Breastfeeding Analsys

Antipyrine while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 60-80-0

Pyrazolone derivative analgesic that inhibits Prostaglandin synthesis with an increased risk of medullar aplasia. Multiple compounds in association to caffeine, codeine, atropine and anti-inflammatory drugs are available. Overall, multi-drug associated compounds are not recommended especially while nursing. A single drug product should be .preferred. Ear drops containing this component are safe while nursing.

Benzocaine while Breastfeeding


CAS Number: 94-09-7

At latest update, relevant published data on excretion into breast milk were not found. Topical anesthetics (intended for dermatological or oral use) when properly used, show limited systemic absorption which is practically nil, with nil or non-significant systemic levels in the plasma and breast milk. Benzocaine may induce appearance of methemoglobinemia and systemic toxicity if absorbed. Avoid use on the breast, otherwise, in case of use on the nipple, let it be done after a feed and wipe it out by thoroughly washing with water before the next feed. Do not apply creams, gels and other products that would contain paraffin (mineral oil) to avoid absorption by the infant since it is a hydrocarbon-derived substance.

Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine Breastfeeding Analsys - 2

Antipyrine while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 60-80-0

Antipyrine is considered unlikely to harm the infant.[1] Because antipyrine is available only in ear drops, it is unlikely to be absorbed by the mother and reach the breastmilk. No special precautions are required during maternal use of antipyrine-containing ear drops.

Benzocaine while Breastfeeding

CAS Number: 94-09-7

Topical benzocaine has not been studied during breastfeeding, but is unlikely to affect her breastfed infant if it is applied away from the breast. Benzocaine should not be applied to the breast or nipple, because the infant may ingest the drug during nursing and it has been associated with severe methemoglobinemia.

What should I do if already breastfed my kid after using Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine?

Not much study has been done on safety of Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine in breastfeeding and its ingredients. Even we do not have complete information about usage of Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine in breastfeeding so at this point a trained medical professional could be your best bet. If you observe anything abnormal with your baby please contact 911.

My health care provider has asked me to use Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine, what to do?

If your doctor considers Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine safe enough to prescribe for you that means its benefits should outweigh its known risks for you.

If I am using Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine, will my baby need extra monitoring?

We are not Sure, Please check with your healthcare provider or doctor.

Who can I talk to if I have questions about usage of Otic Edge | Acetic Acid, Antipyrine, Benzocaine in breastfeeding?

National Womens Health and Breastfeeding Helpline: 800-994-9662 (TDD 888-220-5446) 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 0300-100-0212 9.30am to 9.30pm, daily
Association of Breastfeeding Mothers: 0300-330-5453
La Leche League: 0345-120-2918
The Breastfeeding Network supporter line in Bengali and Sylheti: 0300-456-2421
National Childbirth Trust (NCT): 0300-330-0700

National Breastfeeding Helpline: 1800-686-268 24 hours a day, 7 days a week

Telehealth Ontario for breastfeeding: 1-866-797-0000 24 hours a day, 7 days a week